• AND searches and OR searches are possible in the Quick Search, Biographical Search by Experience Group and Global Keyword Search.
  • Quick Search: You can choose to perform an AND or OR search between multiple terms that you enter by selecting the radio button labeled with all of the words or with at least one of the words respectively.
  • Biographical Search by Experience Group: You can choose between an AND and an OR search using the pull-down menu in the left frame when searching on more than one question. The left frame will display the # of results for each question individually as well as the result of your combined search.
  • Global Keyword Search: You can choose between an AND and an OR search using the radio buttons between the Keyword Choices and Selected Keywords boxes.
  • OR search: The OR search retrieves segments that include at least one of your Selected Keywords.
  • AND search: The AND search retrieves segments that include all of your Selected Keywords (up to 35 keywords).
  • Segment range: The AND search also permits you to chose a Segment Range. It is possible to search for all Selected Keywords appearing in the same segment (i.e. 1 segment), within 5 (consecutive) segments, within 10 (consecutive) segments, within 15 (consecutive) segments or within the Entire testimony. The Search Results list will display segments in which one of your Selected Keywords appeared first. Once you go to the Testimony Viewing Screen you will be able to access and view all segments for that testimony.
  • NOT search: The Visual History Archive does not accommodate a NOT search at the present time.